The Plains FM Sessions

Dave solo, and Dave and Jeff

Cliched Title For Kris by The Possum Brothers

1:41 minutes (2.11 MB)

Cliched Title For Kris (Lucksmiths) ogg

Rodeo Clowns by Jeff and Dave

2:44 minutes (3.08 MB)

Rodeo Clowns (G Love and Special Sauce) Dub 1

Seasons by Jeff and Dave

3:09 minutes (3.48 MB)

Seasons (Good Charlotte) Dub 2

Olivers Army by Jeff and Dave

2:40 minutes (2.99 MB)

Oliver's Army (Elvis Costello) Dub 1

So Cruel by Dave Lane

5:17 minutes (6.02 MB)

So Cruel (U2)

Watching The Detectives by Jeff and Dave

3:31 minutes (3.82 MB)

Watching The Detectives (Elvis Costello) Alt Take 1

Watching The Detectives by Jeff and Dave

3:45 minutes (4.14 MB)

Watching The Detectives (Elvis Costello) Alt Take 2

Lil' Dylan by Davey Lane

0:47 minutes (1.07 MB)Lil' Dylan

Alison by Jeff and Dave

2:54 minutes (3.24 MB)

Alison (Elvis Costello) Alt Take

Oliver's Army by Davey Lane

2:51 minutes (3.91 MB)Oliver's Army (Elvis Costello)
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